sponsor us!

We are Fernandez Racing, LLC, a local family motorcycle road racing team from Erie, CO. We are seeking local businesses and private sponsors to sponsor our young child racers this season 2023.  Racing motorcycles is in our blood, and we are incredibly proud of the talent and accomplishments our children, Jayden 15 years old and Juliana 13 years old, have made in their 5th year of racing motorcycles across the nation, in Italy and in Spain. Unfortunately, our chosen careers in education and as a Firefighter/Paramedic do not allow us to afford the sport alone.

Our goal through sponsorship is to enable our children the opportunity to continue developing and pursuing the sport they both have come to love. If interested, we would love to set up a time for you to meet the children and review our sponsorship packages. To learn more on how your company can become a part of the Fernandez Racing Team, contact us today!

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